Inflam-Ease is a delicious & therapeutic way to add nutrients to your meals and be helpful for pain & inflammation issues.

Add a healthy dose of nutrients to your soup, gravy, curries, sauces & marinades. Ideal for making Paleo beef broths and Fod Map diets. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Great for children, healthy for everyone.

Inflam-Ease Ingredients: Tumeric, Tulsi, Cleavers & Yarrow.

Tumeric is reputed to be anti-inflammatory, as is the ancient Auyrvedic herb Tulsi and Cleavers (which farmers often to refer to as “sticky weed”) and Yarrow (once called the soldiers herb for its healing ability)

Absolutely no preservatives, colorings or flavourings. Each 35 gram pack will make 6-8 litres of broth.